So, my little sister Emily has been living with Jacob and I since July 22 (ish). (Speaking of ish- there is a really good children's book called "ish.") She will be here until Thanksgiving. We have her enrolled in school here. She is struggling because she doesn't know anyone. I hope it gets better for her. Every morning she wakes up for school, she tells me she doesn't want to go. She likes it here with Jacob and I though. I feel like she is getting the "easy way out" because there really isn't a lot of chores around here to do. But hopefully we are showing her other things that can help her on her journey.

We have had quite a few visitors up here. It has been so fun! Jacob's dad, sisters Nora and Marie, and his little brothers have come up to visit. We have gone to the Civil Defense Cave, the sand dunes, Rigby Lake, and jet skiing (with Jacob's boss's jet skiis and his property called "the pit.") One of Jacob's best friends, Jonny, also was able to come and visit. He brought his own jet ski. That was a blast! I don't think I have pictures from these experiences... Marie took most of the pictures. Actually... She copied them to my computer, I think.
(And, yes mom, Emily did get to drive the jet ski. haha) She also has ridden in a horse-drawn wagon, helped weed-wack (sp?), and driven a truck. Haha. pretty cool. She hasn't ridden a horse yet, but that is on the to-do list. So, I have to add one more picture and tell you the real reason Jacob's boss let us use the jet skiis.
Yeah, one of them really struggles working. It works, but only about a third of the time. Add to that Jonny's battery... we had about 1 and a half working (out of 3) at a time. haha. We traded the batteries between them all about 20 times while we were there. (That may be a slight exaggeration... but not much.) But his boss is super awesome for letting us ride them as Jacob learned what the problem was!
Oh yes! Pictures of the Dunes!
And finally, The Civil Defense Caves. These caves were created by lava flow. I guess it was decided that if there were neuclear bombing, then this is where all of Madison County (and I think one or two other counties) were to come for safety.
Okay, okay, so you cannot tell just how cool this cave is from the pictures since it is so dark in there! But it was awesome! There are piles of rocks everywhere, and it is nice and cool down there!
Jacob and I have completely loved the company that we have had! Oh, we also have a pet kitten named Elki. I think we just found out that actually it is a boy... so maybe his name will be Elky instead. Is that any less feminine? haha. Anyway! Love you all!
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